1. What are the problems we are trying to solve (4-5 major problems) Pick up issues directly from Different Stakeholders across Site as and when it comes up. Communicate Agendas of Meeting to all different stakeholders. Attendance of people who attended meeting. Recording of Take Aways / Actionable Items from Meetings & Maintaining of MoM's. Authentication of Discussions / Decisions / Takeaways / Actionable Outcomes. Give Issues / Task updates of Earlier Meetings to all Stakeholders. Ledger / Record of MoMs.

  2. Who is the main persona who creates MOM / or persona we are solving this problem for: Ans: Mostly Project Manager. But Site Supervisor / Engineer or Vendors or Consultancies or others who triggers the Issue. Other Stakeholders come to meeting with Agenda set by PM to resolve them.

  3. Why our current platform falling short to solve this problem.

  4. Contents of the MOM Ans: It's Dynamic, but I have noticed few common things. They are: Name of Project - Members involved - Agenda of Meeting - Date & Time of Meeting - Attendance of Attendees - Platform (Virtual / On Site) - Remarks / Decisions (Takeaways / Actionable Outcomes) / Earlier Meeting Updates - Acknowledgement - Assignees of Tasks / Issues.

  5. People involved in MOM Ans: Project Manager, Organiser of Meeting, Project Owner, Owner, Vendors / Consultancies.